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Upgrade old laser equipment

CLC Currently offers retrofit, upgrade, or trade-in services for: Elite, Signature, Script, Insignia, and Icon systems

The retrofit or upgrade service kits offer a complete conversion using our latest components rather than just replacing one or two similar parts. This allows you to maintain the best parts if your current system while gaining the benefits of more modern technology.

When your old equipment was highly customized or has complex automation modules, and all the electric and electronic assemblies are out of market, we recommend the trade in pattern to upgrade. We offer from $2,000 to $10,000 by pre-evaluation that includes the following aspects:

  • Redo the sampling if the laser source or beam delivery design changed
  • Check the controller configuration and software versions
  • Backup and evaluate the necessity of existing lasing job files*
  • Evaluate the automation module design**

*CLC offers 5 lasing job conversions. If full package file conversion service is needed, additional charges may apply.
**The software engineering service of automation conversion may apply if new module has to replace an obsolete module.

What Should I Retrofit?

As with most technology based products, things are constantly evolving. We understand that it is essential for many of our customers to stay current with their lasers to keep production moving along smoothly.

When it comes to system upgrades you have 2 options – Buy Spare Parts or Retrofit. Our retrofit option consist of laser upgrade kits to bring your existing workstation back up to speed.


1990 – 2005

Insignia and Icon Retrofits

Ensure longevity for your Icon or Insignia system by upgrading to more stable digital electronics that most of today’s laser systems take advantage of.


1990 – 2005

Signature, Script, and Elite Retrofits

Upgrade your systems with more stable digital electronics that most of today’s laser systems take advantage of.

We currently offer spare parts for our legacy systems still in the field. Please contact us for spare parts and repairs. We highly recommend customers with legacy systems to upgrade or retrofit with new technology as old parts are becoming hard to replace.

Things to Consider

When you buy spare parts, essentially you are replacing individual components such as a power supply, or a controller board with a component of the same caliber. While it’s true this should fix problems that you are experiencing with that particular part, it doesn’t present the increased benefits that newer advanced laser technology may offer.

Our laser upgrade kits offer a more complete conversion using our most current components rather than just replacing one or two parts with the same kind. This allows you to maintain the best parts of your current system while gaining the benefits of more modern technology. It creates a best of both worlds scenario by allowing your older laser to run like some of the newer models. This is the perfect solution for customers that need to stretch their budgets while still gaining significant upgrades that wouldn’t otherwise be possible without buying brand new equipment.

New App Video

RETINA™, Control Laser Corp, laser micromachining, IC Chip Counterfeit Inspection Application demo

Using patented laser technology from Control Laser Corporation, the RETINA™ Counterfeit Semiconductor Laser verifies if a semiconductor is counterfeit in three simple steps. In most cases, you can process a molded semiconductor in under 15 minutes without harmful chemicals. This method provides highly reliable results to reveal ghost marks, abrasive marks, and die marks. The RETINA™ system documents each layer of the process through its coaxial vision system. With RETINA™, you can effectively combat counterfeit semiconductors.

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